Wednesday, April 25, 2018

How to add project level Preprocessor Definitions to a C# project

Using GUI Open the project in Visual Studio Right-Click on the project file in the solution explorer go to properties Go to Build tab and Make sure you select the All Configurations in the configuration drop down Make sure selected the All Platforms in Platform drop-down Type the Preprocessor Definitions you want in the Conditional Compilation...

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

How to clean and reset Jenkins build history

When you working with Jenkins while building your solution, definitely you have to run your project multiple times. It will result to a long Build History list that looks ugly and unnecessary for your production environment.  If you need to clean this Build History, and reset the build number, you can run a simple script in  Jenkins Script...

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to setup RAID 0 with SSD, Step by step giude

As you know in the computer hardware world reading and writing to the storage disk is the bottleneck for the data transfer. Even though processors an memory chips getting faster and faster, Hard disk reading and writing technologies did not meet the requirement that industry expected.  But, recently after SSD (Solid State Drive) reached to the...

Saturday, December 26, 2015

How to Install Broadcom drivers in Fedora 22/23

You may face issues while accessing internet via Wifi after installing fedora 22 or 23. Basically issue could be the Linux default chip-set drivers not support Broadcom chip-set. So we have to install correct drivers from the vendor to fix this issue. Symptoms Wifi was working fine. But after updating fedora, Wifi does not work Wifi not...

Monday, November 02, 2015

1. Type "turn windows feature on or off" in the search box in the task bar   2. Select the "Turn Windows feature on or off" that appears in the best match list. Then it will open up below window.   3. Check the first entry ".NET Framework 3.5 (Include .NET 2.0 and 3.0 )"  and click "OK" button. Then you will see below window.   4....

Sunday, July 27, 2014

How to fix curl: (6) Could not resolve host in Fedora

After you installed Fedora, you may face this issue while updating the system or a any specific application. Any also while try to install new application using Terminal. There are few things you have to do to fedora before you start to work otherwise it will trouble you always. Today I'm going to treat for these symptoms 1. curl: (6)...

Monday, March 17, 2014

How to use Eclipse with Fiddler step by step (for JAVA)

Background: Eclipse is a nice IDE that popular among JAVA programmers. Recently I have involve with few java base project and that mostly with notwork programming stuff such as HTTP request sending, POST submit, GET request. I used my favorite http/https traffic recording tool "Fiddelr" to use with Eclipse. So here is the my simple JAVA program that...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

No internet in the Firefox after installing Fedora 20

This is mostly because of the default IPV6 DNS enables of  the Firefox. So you have to disable this if your service provider does not support IPV6 DNS. 1. Open Firefox and  type about:config in the address bar. 2. Press the [ I will be careful, I, Promise ]  button. 3. Type Network.dns in the search text box. 4....

Friday, January 10, 2014

When you try to run follow two command there can be this error showing in the Terminal. yum update yum check-update First you check if the Network connection and Internet works fine. Run yum clean all command and try to clean the corrupted repository data  Try to run the command in the debug mode as below. The you can get the details error message. If it says some URL cannot be acess then...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

C# Encryption Decryption Class AES

Sometimes you may need to use encryption and decryption class in your C# project. Here is a simple class you can use for above purpose feel free to use it and feedback with improvement. This class use Advance Encryption Standers. and RijndaelManaged method. /******************************************************************* File: Crypter.cs Author:...